London is his home, but he is on a plane every third day for his jobs around the world to shoot campaigns for fashion houses like Chanel and portraits such as the official engagement picture of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. 他家在伦敦,但是为了工作,他每隔三天就要飞往世界各地为香奈儿(Chanel)等服装公司拍摄广告照片,或者承接剑桥公爵和公爵夫人的正式订婚照等人像摄影工作。
At London Airport she boarded a plane to australia. 在伦敦机场她登上了飞往澳大利亚的飞机。
His phone rings again.'bravo! Superb!'it is not another performer this time, but a friend from London who has managed to get a plane ticket-which are in desperately short supply-and will manage to make it to the celebrations. 他的电话又一次响起。“布拉沃!太棒了!”。这次不是另一位演员,而是一位来自伦敦的朋友设法搞到了机票这东西非常短缺这将使他有可能来参加庆典。
According to researchers at the University of London, the risk of a blood clot doesn't drop as soon as you step off the plane, but remains high for up to four weeks after the trip is over. 据伦敦一所大学的研究人员说,血凝块的危险并不会在你下飞机之后就没有了,而是在旅行结束后的四个星期里都保持着很高的危险性。
A protocol for in vitro micropropagation of London plane tree was established. 建立了二球悬铃木的离体微繁体系。